We are proud to present the first publication of the
The Simplest Explanation of Everything
by Eugene Savov
This is a book about the way in which things come to
It shows the origin of space bodies, life and mind
one discovered firework universe.
click to enlarge
Hardcover, 368 pages, 42 illustrations.
Dimensions 9.45x6.70x1.10 inches (24.0x17.0x2.8 cm)
2002 / ISBN 9549103420
Price: 49.95 US Dollars including recommended airmail or 89.95 US Dollars for express mail delivery.
Book Description
Science advances simplifying the models of nature. For example, the complex motion of planets around the Earth, according to Ptolemaeus (about 100-170 AD), was replaced by Copernicus (1473 - 1543) with their rotation around the Sun, which later turned up to be true. The big bang theory viewed the discovered cosmic microwave background as a relic radiation left after the big bang. The rival steady-state theory of the universe did not offer a simpler explanation of this finding and so passed into oblivion. The principle of economy is a basic tool of science and technology. This principle states that it is a vanity to do with more what can be done with less. Therefore the simplicity of explanation can be challenged only with a greater simplicity. The proposed theory of interaction shows that nothing is simpler than one self-reproducing interaction, whose multiscale similar outcomes account for everything that exists. These multiscale outcomes are the found sources of all-building interaction that most simply explain what we see and describe in physical laws and principles.
The theory of interaction presents a qualitatively new scenario of the universe beginning and evolution. The proposed picture of the universe lacks the basic flaws of the big bang theory and explains many puzzling observations in the near and distant space. A small part of the book requires a space physics background, while most of it is written in a highly explanatory, sometimes entertaining, language. This makes the presented ideas and findings accessible to non-scientists and scientists of all persuasions. It is shown that complexity originates in the observer's mind from the discovered amazingly simple structure of reality. The book asks too many questions, gives answers, tells attractive puzzles and extraordinary predictions. Everyone interested in the origin of the universe, life and mind will be deeply thrilled by the revealed counterintuitive simplicity of nature.
Every body shows up in an interaction. Then everything is a self-defined and hence self-similar interaction that differs only in size. The author shows that there is one multiscale contracting and expanding interaction, which so remains forever finite and builds everything. Nothing is simpler than one pattern of interaction, which reproduces itself in different sizes and thus accounts for everything that exists out and in one's mind. This self-defined and so existing and self-similar pattern of interaction generates the revealed firework universe and its confused by questions observer.
In the discovered firework universe the initial sources of interaction
eject smaller ones that do the same. So the size of the sources of interaction
decreases and small sources of interaction, seen as light, are born in the huge
dark space created from the initial sources. Some of the initial sources of
interaction build what we see as galaxies, stars, planets, planetary like moons
and atoms. The universe was delivered in darkness and then came light with the
creation of smaller and smaller sources of interaction as the all-building self-defined
interaction self-similarly unfolded to smaller scales. The light was emitted
from the just born agitated and so very hot atoms, which were ejected from the
centers of the just born stars, thrown out from the centers of the just born
galaxies, which were also similarly ejected from the centers even much larger
sources of interaction. In this fireworks like universe beginning every body
comes from its source. Light propagates from the galaxies in the vast dark space
built from their sources (see the smaller arrows in the Figure below). The just
born stars ejected smaller ones that begin to move around them. Latter the smaller
stars cooled and created the planets and their planetary like moons. The cooling
of this firework universe produced the nearly uniform cosmic microwave background
radiation. The expansion of the ageing structure of light along its long way
from the distant galaxies creates the cosmic redshift. The simultaneous creation
of galaxies, stars, hydrogen, helium and heavier elements in the firework universe
beginning explains the puzzling findings of normal galaxies and heavy elements
at the outskirts of the observable cosmos.
The larger sources of interaction eject smaller ones as shown by the larger and smaller arrows in this fragment of the revealed self-defined and self-similar firework universe beginning. The light came last after the much, much larger sources of interaction, now stating their existences as dark matter, created the space in which the light can travel. The current universe came suddenly from darkness as its eternal source collapsed and engulfed the previous universe, then it collided in and bounced from itself, thus ejecting smaller ones that similarly did the same and so on. In this way the all-building interaction self-similarly unfolded to the smaller scales some seen as space bodies and light.
The creation of new atomic nuclei in the Earth's center keeps the interior of our planet hot and increases its radius. This led to tearing of the pre-historic Pangea landmass to fractions, now seen as continents. The ejection of newly created atomic matter from the Earth's center also slows down the rotation of the Earth around its axis, accounts for appearance volcanic activity and lava upwelling mid-ocean ridge. So the atomic shell of the Earth's center grows thicker, its source exhausts and drives it more slowly around itself. Hence the length of the day will increase as the Earth ages. This prediction of the theory of interaction is confirmed by puzzling experimental findings. The slowly expanding from its discovered source Earth may collapse in a supernova like explosion, during one long day in the distant future. Similar collapse of a planet between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter could lead to the creation of the asteroid belt. The explosive end of the world is likely to occur long after we are gone as human species, due to the revealed universal regularities of evolution. The end of the Earth will be seen from an imaginary cosmic observer as just another mysterious small gamma-ray burst.
Everything indicates its existence by an interaction. Then everything is a self-defined interaction whose source (structure) has to be revealed. The found sources of interaction eject smaller ones from their inner regions. The light came last, after the discovered sources of interaction, which now indicate their existence as dark matter, created the space in which the light could propagate. First was a self-defined interaction and then came light. The discovered multiscale sources of interaction interact and build every structure independently of its size and complexity. It can be a cluster of galaxies or a form of life, all made from the found coupling sources of interaction, accounting in the simplest way for what we see. For example, the discovered initial and thus much larger sources of interaction create what we see as galaxies, stars, planets and space, while the much smaller sources of interaction that build our bodies interact and create the perception of time. We are not made from a stellar dust but from stars having atomic sizes. The found all-building sources of interaction are more basic (more initial) than the perceptions of space, time and their mathematical models, describing our limited experience.
It is well known that nothing is more practical than a good theory. So the improvement of everything depends on the advance of knowledge.
The simplicity of explanation can be challenged only with a greater simplicity because of the principle of economy, which is a basic tool in science and technology. This principle says that it is a vanity to do with more what can be done with less. Nothing is simpler than one self-reproducing interaction, whose multiscale similar outcomes account for all that exists and so for what we see and describe in physical laws and principles. The author discovered this spirally contracting and expanding interaction and the consequent fireworks like universe beginning in 1991. The book brings to light his surprising findings and their confirmation by considerations and too many observations.
The structure of the sources of interaction, seen as light, expands on their long way from the distant galaxies, thus creating the cosmic redshift. Similarly, the expansion of the discovered sources of interaction, which we see as stars and planets, leads to creation of new atomic nuclei in their innermost regions and so accounts for the high temperatures in the interiors of these space bodies. The production of new atomic nuclei from the innermost region of the Earth, makes the radius of the Earth larger, slows its day and night creating rotation, accounts for the splitting of the large prehistoric landmass Pangea to fragments, which drifted on the slowly expanding Earth's surface and created the modern continents. The discovered Earth's source ejects new atoms from its center. Thus it creates the lava upwelling mid-ocean ridge and the volcanic activity.
Modern knowledge describes what we see and then
extends the application of the description beyond our limited experience. For
example, the cosmic redshift is considered as Doppler's effect, inferred from
the observed decreasing frequency of the sound made from a whistle of a receding
train. Light shows a wave-particle duality suggesting a cautious application
of the Doppler effect to it, unless we want to create a slippery domain of singularities
and paradoxes showing a sophisticated ignorance. The theory of interaction describes
nature phenomena in the terms of their revealed structure and so explains for
the first time why they look the way they do. The discovered
structure of reality, seen at the scales of observation, creates what we find
in this world.
In the found fireworks like universe beginning every body flew away from the
inner region of its source. The just born firework universe looked as made from
bright stars revolving around their sources - larger stars and galactic nuclei.
Later the smaller stars cooled and created what we now see as planets, while
the cooling of the universe as a whole produced the observed nearly uniform
cosmic microwave background radiation. The observed universe is like a cloud
of galaxies, which rotate around their sources, all moving around the source
of the universe, like a real cloud that moves around the Earth's center from
where its atoms were born. Every body moves around its source and so it moves
around itself. It could be observed as a star rotating around itself and around
the nucleus of its galaxy, a planet spinning around itself while it orbits its
star, an atom or an electron, all revolving around themselves and their sources.
We see only the inner and that is why denser parts of the discovered all-building
sources of interaction. These parts are dense enough to emit or reflect light.
What is enough is created from the found interaction increase reversal in the
firework universe beginning that makes its source endlessly finite. This self-consistent
picture does not make sense in the singularity-burdened big bang theory, while
in the theory of interaction it makes a sense as clear as an apple in one's
The theory of interaction is singularity free. It shows the cyclic evolution of the universe, in which it remains always finite and passes through an all annihilating phase before the next firework universe beginning. Every body comes from and ends on its discovered source. It could be the universe as a whole, a star, a planet or a form of life, born from the Earth's surface and ending on it.
The proposed, third for the last one hundred years, scenario of the universe beginning and evolution rocks with its stunning simplicity and self-consistence. It explains the perplexing matter-antimatter asymmetry, the normal galaxies found at the fringes of the observable universe, the cosmic redshift, the cosmic microwave background radiation, the creation of galaxies, stars and planets, the mysterious massive objects in the galactic nuclei and the confusing Jupiter like planets, discovered very near to their stars. The increase of the length of day as the Earth becomes older, the Tunguska event, the controversial magnetic storm-substorm relationship, the contraction and expansion of the auroral oval and the omnipresent contractions and expansions, the origin of life and consciousness, and many more poorly understood phenomena are elucidated in the theory of interaction terms.
Contractions and expansions maintain the self-definiteness, self-similarity and existence of every body. For example, the contractions and expansions of the Earth's magnetosphere - indicated by the contractions and expansions of the auroral oval or the contractions and expansions of a beating heart.
Every body self-similarly transforms in itself, so stating its existence. The fundamental self-similarity allows one to know oneself and the rest of the universe. The discrete self-similar transforms of every body create the moments of its time. It ends by a discrete change of the scale of the interactions building it when this change is beyond the scale of the interaction that defines its existence. For example, the supernova explosion marks the end of a star by turning a part of its atomic matter in much smaller sources of interaction, seen as light and other radiation. The theory of interaction is a voyage in the scales of nature. It shows how the found multiscale sources of interaction create everything in the simplest way in a mode that allows the existence of nothing else. Every body is packed in the insides of a larger body. We see only the inner regions of the objects that are dense enough to reflect or emit light. Density is created from the inward increase of the speed of the discovered all-building interaction carriers.
The laws and principles of classical and quantum physics are simply derived from the found multiscale all-building sources of interaction, considered at the scales of observation. The introduced qualitatively new universal framework makes this theory a brand new interdisciplinary field, which offers great opportunities for making lasting contributions.
The reader will be trained in a new lucid mode of thinking that describes what creates what we see. One will know oneself in the terms of one's discovered origin. The revealed all-building interaction is the long sought mode of creation. It shows a gate to eternity to every truth searching soul. Paradise is here on the Earth, where the soul becomes immortal by knowing its source. The book expands the vistas of perception up to the discovered frames of reality.
The self-defined interaction in the observer makes him try to define, to describe and so to understand his origin. The universal self-definiteness makes one existing and thinking. We are human expressions of the universal mode of existence, surrounded by other expressions, seen as planets and stars and whatever we encounter in this found to be one and unique universe.
The complete understanding of nature shows the
way in which things come. Hence knowledge supports existence and thus it is
good for everybody. Knowledge saves lives and makes life better.
About the author
Eugene Savov graduated from the Department of Physics at Sofia
University with M.Sc. degree in 1979. He works at the space physics divisions
of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1980. In 1991 his interdisciplinary research
interests led him to the discovery of the sources of all-building interaction
and the fireworks like beginning of the universe. Savov's theory of interaction
brings to a wider audience his discovery after its theoretical and experimental
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